2023 in code

Posted on:January 3, 2024 at 05:19 AM

2023 was the first full year I’ve been using Wakatime to track my coding activities. And what a year it has been. I think this has been easily one of the most code I’ve written in a single year. Here’s some takeaways:

500 hours is insane

It’s genuinely quite insane how many hours I’ve put to just programming this year. Remember, this does not count the hours of research, googling, debugging, terminal shenanigans that aren’t tracked by wakatime. This is just typing in an editor. If I had to estimate, I think I’ve spent maybe close to 700 hours working on programming-related tasks.

I don’t have that many hours clocked in many other things for comparison. The only thing I have that’s kinda close is how much time I’ve spent on Overwatch, which clocks at around 1500 hours. In 6 years.

There’s always bigger fish

Now I don’t think I’ve spent an absurd amount of time coding, but I think its safe to say that I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time coding. Which is why I think it is unfathomable that at least 40000 developers have spent the same or even more time staring at their computer screens. With the constant burnouts I’ve had to face and the motivation drying up as the year progresses, it’s crazy how they’ve done it.

Neovim is pretty cool

I think it’s frankly quite amazing that I’ve been sticking with this same editor without any major modifications to my configs. And I must say it’s definitely made my programming experience so much more efficient and pleasant.

Moving Forward.

I think in the coming year, my number one goal would be to reduce the amount of programming to a somewhat healthy amount. There’s been a lot of changes I’ve had in life, and taking time now in my youth to enjoy life instead of staring at a computer screen feels like a sensible decision. But I’ve said it multiple times, and find myself back here, staring at a computer screen for half my day, whether its entertainment or work. So only time will tell.