about me

i’m a penultimate computer science student studying at the national university of singapore. i’m particularly interested in embedded systems as well as operating systems. i’m also particularly proficient in front-end web development as well.

i have a bad habit of taking on too many projects at once, but i’m trying to get better at that. currently my projects surround the areas of operating systems, selfhosting, programming languages, and random hardware stuff i find cool.


National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science)

2021 - 2025

stuff i've been doing

NUS Hackers

Coreteam Member

2021 - Present

Raffles Hall Developers

Student Lead Developer

2021 - 2023

programming languages i’ve worked with

(i’m also familiar with VHDL and SCPI but there isn’t a badge for that)

frameworks and libraries i’m familiar with

Chakra UI Badge

tools i’ve used